Grass Seed

All our grass seed Varity’s are quality Assured and are on the Irish Department of Agriculture Recommend list, they contain high density blends and optional high clover levels
All our seed Varity’s are suitable for conventional methods and direct seeding (see our direct seeding section in contracting)

Sweet Tooth mix suitable for grazing (top seller)
Gives a leafy nutritious sward with high intake of grass
High D value swards
Excellent sward utilisation
Excellent spring growth capacity.

Gold tooth mix suitable for Grazing and silage (top seller)
Formulated to deliver high yielding silage and grazing crops
Gives early high Quality swards of high D value
Excellent sward Density and growth persistence

Two cut silage Mix silage mix
Suitable for dairy as it performs extremely well under conservation management and intensive fertilizer systems,
Early maturing first cut, May or early June,
Rapid regrowth after cutting

Heavy Peaty mix suitable for wetter blacker soil types
This blend thrives with lower inputs of artificial nitrogen,
It includes timothy to deliver and early bite while also improving soil structure and firmness.
It is a very persistent blend in hardy winter conditions

Equine paddock and grazing mix for horses
Specially formulated to hold up to excessive wear and tear
High quality grazing mix
Perfectly suited to high quality hay cut in summer.

Dolan Agri, Ballyglass, Scardaune, Claremorris, Co. Mayo
Tel: 094 9364178
Mob: 087/086 2503621
Fax: 094 936417

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