All of our agri chemicals are high quality and are sold at a reasonable price
We can also hire two types of electric sprayer to our customers.
If you require contract spraying for large areas we can organise it for you using a reputable spraying contractor in your area,
Mizir 20l
Mizir is a better value for money spray which will kill all types of plant it is ideally suited for burning off fields before seeding or getting rid of unsightly weeds in your yard of driveway,
Dockstar is a targeted spray that works by killing dockleaf plant in silage swards it does no harm to your established grass field ,it is recommend spraying with dockstar two weeks prior to cutting silage.
Mcpa is perfectly suited to get rid of rushes and brush in you field, we recommend cutting rushes and spraying just as they begin to green again, mcpa will not affect your established grass crop,
Pastor is used to kill all forms of weeds in a silage sward; it will not harm existing grass.
Grazon 90
Grazon 90 is similar to pastor and is sold in 1 litre packs it is ideal for spraying around fences with an electric sprayer or spot sprayer as it will kill brush, weeds and all growth except grass,
Eagle is a good spray for eliminating weeds and unwanted growth in reseeded ground as it is a clover friendly spray.